Category: Featured
Large Format Printing
Thanks for a grant from the Missouri Library Association, we have a new large format printer! Click here to learn more…
Tech Help
Our Grab-a-Geek service offers scheduled one-on-one training sessions with one of our dedicated, knowledgeable and friendly staff.
Book Club Kits
Choose from hundreds of book club kits we have to offer. Each kit comes with multiple copies and resources to host your own book club.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Sharing stories is a great way to develop important pre-reading skills and to help children learn about the world.
KPL Digital Archives
Kirkwood historical photos, yearbooks, documents, and more!
3D Printing
Submit your own 3D creations or chose from our curated 3D Print Binder.
KPL Podcast
Join staff member, Jigisha, for weekly reviews, library news, and award winning authors who share their creative process with us.
Hot Technology Collection
Take home technology & discover new ways to see the world!
Fishing Poles
Check out a fishing pole as part of the The Missouri Department of Conservation Rod & Reel Loaner Program!
VHS Conversion
Let KPL covert your old VHS, VHS-C, 8mm tapes, MiniDVs, DVDs and 8mm/Super8 reels. As of the end of October 2022, we have converted over 10,000 tapes!