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Tag: Marketing

Image of a woman in a yellow tshirt on a yellow background pointing to the print. The print says, "Thurs oct 19th at 1PM. Marketing Mix Basics: 5 Things You need to Know." There are logos across the top. One is the Kirkwood public library logo in red and black, the next is a blue and red SBDC logo, and then the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership in white and black, and the SBA Small Business Administration in red and blue. Below that in very small print it reads, "The Missouri SBDC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Colleen Mulvihill at or 314-615-7694."

Marketing Mix Basics: 5 Things You Need To Know Presented by the SBDC

We’ll review Marketing Basics, with a focus on Social Media Marketing. We’ll start with how to define your WHY? by creating a clear objective and goals for a given marketing project. The 5 Things: WHO you’re talking to WHAT message you want to relay WHEN to say it WHERE to…

Purple background with an image of a person with a laptop to the left and a megaphone with three arrows around it. The text reads "Identify & Focus on the right customer. May 10th at 1PM." There are four logos at the top, one for Kirkwood Public Library, one for the America's SBDC Missouri, another for the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, and the last for the SBA: powered by the SBA Small Business Administration. Small text at the bottom reads, "The Missouri SBDC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Colleen Mulvihill at or 314-615-7694."

Identify & Focus on the Right Customers presented by the SBDC

We’ll focus on GrowthWheel’s “Customer Segments” Framework. There are various criteria for dividing customers into different segments, including Demographics, Geography, Psychology, and Purchase Behavior. A key point of this Framework is that companies might have far more potential customers than the ones that are initially obvious. It’s a matter of…

A yellow background with a megaphone and a large text bubble. Inside the bubble in blue text it says, "May 2nd at 9AM. Jumpstart Your Business. With Free data and resources." The website underneath the text bubble and it says "Kirkwood Public Library dot Org slash Events" There is a red and white logo in the bottom left hand corner that reads "95 Years"

Jumpstart Your Business with FREE Data & Resources

Did you know the library provides small businesses and nonprofits with a vast array of resources for FREE? Learn what industry reports, market data, grant searching tools, and other information you can find by using your library card and a local librarian. Registration is recommended for updates to this program,…

Market Your Business Like an Ad Agency *on a small business budget

Find out how to use FREE tools and resources that will enable you to make smart marketing and advertising decisions for your business. You’ll learn how to use library data resources like DemographicsNow, Statista, and other readily available sources to grow your business. Registration is recommended for updates to this…

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PARDON OUR DIRT : The front lawn of the library is under construction. At this time, access to the library is through the front ramp only.


Join us for the ribbon cutting of our newly renovated garden space on Wednesday, Sept 18 @ 11:30AM