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Tag: Leadership

Applied Leadership Pathways December Session: Your Reputation

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page. Articulate who you are and what…

Applied Leadership Pathways November Session: Leading & Adapting

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page.  Learn why adapting to change and…

On a blue background there is a Kirkwood Public Library logo in the upper left hand corner. The Applied Leadership Pathways logo is centered at the top. Below it text reads, "Building Strengths into Action Communicate with Intention with Stephanie Haenchen October 21st | 6PM" There is a line and then it says under the line, "Applied Leadership Pathways" At the bottom is a Museum of Library Sciences logo and in small print it says, "This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State". There are three stacked images to the right. On the top image there are two people sitting in chairs at an office chatting. One has on a peach jumpsuit, and the other has on a purple button up shirt and white pants. In the second image two people in green aprons are chatting at work. In the third image three people stand in a stairwell talking. One has a backpack on.

Applied Leadership Pathways October Session: Communicate with Intention

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page. This session will help you learn…

On a red background there is a Kirkwood Public Library logo in the upper left hand corner. The Applied Leadership Pathways logo is centered at the top. Below it text reads, "Building Strengths into Action. Leading with Strengths with Elias Corpas August 19th | 5:30PM" There is a line and then it says under the line, "Applied Leadership Pathways" At the bottom is a Museum of Library Sciences logo and in small print it says, "This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State". There are three stacked images to the right. On the top image there is one person against a red background, they are in ab lack jacket and there are white muscley arms in chalk drawn behind them on the wall. In the second image there is a cup of coffee on a teal table, with some papers with writing on them that say, "What are my strengths?". In the third image there is a person in a black button up shirt with a pink tie against a grey background. There are white muscley arms drawn on the wall behind them.

Applied Leadership Pathways August Session: Leading with Strengths

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page. This session will focus on Leading…

Applied Leadership Pathways July Session: Energy Leadership Index

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page. The July session will be about…

Applied Leadership Pathways Opening Session: Servant Leadership

Speakers for the Applied Leadership Pathways program will be open to the general public to attend. If you’re interested in one of the sessions, please feel free to show up. For a full schedule of the speakers see our Applied Leadership Pathways web page. The opening session will be about…

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Join us for the ribbon cutting of our newly renovated garden space on Wednesday, Sept 18 @ 11:30AM